For coaching to have the greatest benefit to you, the quality of our relationship is fundamental. It underpins the work we will do together. Therefore you can expect that I:
- will express empathy, support, and acceptance, regardless of what you say or do
- will reflect back to you any beliefs or patterns of behaviour I notice you are showing in order for you to acknowledge or make sense of these
- will listen to you deeply, whilst recognising the importance of silence in the coaching space. There may be times when we need to listen to our own introspection as this can be extremely valuable (but without it feeling uncomfortable)
- may gently challenge you - but in a way that doesn't feel judged and at the same time confronts you with things that might not be serving you
- recognise that we have free will but at the same time we are all part of systems that both propel and constrain us - family, community, environmental, etc. have forces on us and that 'no person is an island'. Realistic and achievable progress can be made by acknowledging and working with the systems you belong to
- recognise that transformative coaching is a psychological change and therefore has to happen on a psychological level for change to happen long-term. There are no 'quick-fixes' and it is you that needs to do the 'hard thinking' work. Therefore I will not offer advice/mentorship unless you ask for it and feel it is necessary. I can't guarantee success but I will never take on a client without a thorough consultation of needs and expectations and a belief that we can make great progress. Coaching can be exhausting and psychologically challenging. Because of this I will not push you to make changes you are not yet ready to face. However, coaching may well plant the seed that, in time, you will notice is growing within you.